We understand that to us it is a normal everyday occurrence, but it can be something completely new and unknown to you!

You are in control
Osteopathy is a very ‘hands on’ therapy. This means that your Osteopath will need to touch and examine the area of your pain and other significant areas, depending on the tissues involved. Some of the treatment techniques will require that your Osteopath get very close in order to control the mobility or to focus a manipulation.
It is important to understand that you remain in control of your treatment at all times. You can remove your consent to treatment, or any part of the treatment at any time.
If you decide that you are not comfortable with any technique, please tell your Osteopath and they can discuss alternative techniques or treatments to achieve the same or similar improvement..
Bring someone with you
You can choose to have a chaperone with you during your treatment.
If you are nervous, please bring a spouse, partner or friend who can sit in with you during your treatment. This can be helpful, as your Osteopath may give you a lot of information and advice at your first appointment, and it sometimes helps to have another pair of ears to take it all in.
Children under 16 must have a parent or legal guardian with them at all times during a treatment.
If you have any concerns, or don’t understand what is happening during your treatment, please ask.
At your first consultation and treatment you can expect:
• To be asked a detailed history of your problem and other medical conditions:
Your Osteopath may ask questions of a personal nature such as bowel habit or urinary function. They may ask women about any difficulty with menstruation, pregnancy or labour if this could be relevant to a low back or pelvic condition.
These questions are needed to eliminate possible medical conditions that can mimic musculoskeletal pain, but which need medical, rather than osteopathic treatment.
• Examination of the area(s) of your pain and any associated regions of the body:
Your Osteopath may need to examine you in your underwear (depending on the area of the problem) and will need access to certain areas of the spine or limbs to facilitate treatment. Modesty gowns are provided for your comfort.
Please bring shorts and a vest or camisole, if you do not wish to undress to your underwear.
• An initial diagnosis and an explanation of your proposed treatment plan, including any advice or exercises. These may include any alternatives to Osteopathy, if we believe that you would benefit from this.
If you have any concerns about your treatment:
In the first instance please contact the Principal of the practice – Jolene Stapleton jolene@balance360.co.uk
If you feel you need to make a formal complaint about any Osteopath:
Contact the osteopathic governing body, The General Osteopathic Council. Email: regulation@osteopathy.org.uk
We believe that every patient has the right to feel safe and respected at all times.
Each patient is a valued individual who we sincerely want to help.
If you’re unsure about any of the information here, please ask your Osteopath to go through it with you.